Embark on a seamless journey through the college admissions process with our expertly crafted 70-PAGE PDF guide, designed for high school students and their parents. Beginning in 9th grade, this comprehensive guide lays a clear pathway for building a strong profile and nurturing genuine interests, taking students through senior year admissions tasks. Navigate each phase of high school with confidence, from course selection and extracurriculars to essay writing and college visits. Authored by a certified educational planner and college admissions expert, our guide combines unique insights and actionable worksheets, assisting families with their assessment and decision-making throughout the planning process. In addition to the wealth of in-house guidance, the planner also recommends valuable external resources that we occasionally refer to in our own practice. Ideal for students and parents alike, this guide is your trusted companion from 9th to 12th grade, ensuring a well-informed and stress-free college admissions experience.
[Designed for U.S. college and university admissions.]