Using Social Media the RIGHT Way For Supplementary Learning

Social media platforms have become a treasure trove of educational content, offering diverse and interactive ways to learn. Beyond the conventional platforms, here are some other examples where you can find educational content and learning communities. (Note that these examples are subject to change as pages evolve, and new content creators emerge.)

1. Reddit

You can surf “subreddits” or topics dedicated to education, science, and various academic subjects that provide a forum for discussion, resources, and expert insights.

  • r/science: A place to share and discuss new scientific research.

  • r/AskHistorians: Where users can ask historical questions and get answers from expert historians.

  • r/LearnProgramming: Community for discussing and learning about programming.

2. Twitter

Many educators, experts, and thought leaders share insights, articles, and thread discussions on topics ranging from science and technology to literature and politics.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson): Astrophysicist who shares insights about space and science.

  • Bill Nye (@BillNye): Science communicator and "Science Guy".

  • History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics): Shares historical photographs and the stories behind them.

3. Pinterest

Known for DIY and creative content, Pinterest also has an abundance of infographics, educational posters, and lesson plans across various subjects.

  • TED-Ed: Offers educational pins ranging from infographics to videos.

  • NASA: Shares pins about space, technology, and science.

  • Edutopia: Provides resources and inspiration for teachers and educators.

4. LinkedIn Learning

A branch of LinkedIn focused on professional development, offering courses and content tailored to business, technology, and creative skills.

  • Ryan Roslansky: CEO of LinkedIn, sharing insights on business and productivity.

  • Guy Kawasaki: Offers advice and insights on marketing, business, and entrepreneurship.

  • Melinda Gates: Shares content on technology, philanthropy, and global issues.

5. TikTok

Educational TikTok (or #EduTok) is a trend where users create short, informative videos on a myriad of topics, including science experiments, math tricks, language learning, and history facts.

  • @chemistryteacherphil: Shares fun and educational chemistry experiments.

  • @dr.karanr: Debunks medical myths and explains complex health and medical information in a straightforward and engaging manner.

  • @historycoolkids: Offers interesting snippets from history.

6. Instagram

Educational accounts and influencers share bite-sized information, infographics, and educational videos on topics like science, history, and art.

  • National Geographic (@natgeo): Shares breathtaking images and stories about the world and its wonders.

  • IFLScience (@iflscience): Provides interesting science facts and news.

  • So Yummy (@soyummy): Offers quick and easy recipe videos and food education.

7. Medium

While not a traditional social media platform, Medium offers in-depth articles and blog posts on a wide range of topics, including technology, culture, and personal development.

  • The Mission: Publishes stories, videos, and podcasts on technology, science, and culture.

  • Personal Growth: Offers personal development and life advice.

  • Data Driven Investor: Shares insights on finance, data analysis, and the economy.

8. Discord

Originally popular among gamers, Discord servers exist for virtually every topic under the sun, including educational subjects, where communities share resources, host discussions, and support each other's learning.

9. Quora

A Q&A platform where people ask questions and get answers from the community, including experts in various fields.

  • Adam D'Angelo: CEO of Quora, discusses technology and startups.

  • Jimmy Wales: Co-founder of Wikipedia, shares insights on just about everything including the internet, business, tech, and the British politics.

  • Richard Muller: Professor of Physics, answers science and physics questions.

10. Snapchat

Some educators and organizations use Snapchat to share educational content, stories, and experiences related to their field of expertise.

  • NASA (@NASA): Shares stories about space exploration and science.

  • TechCrunch (@techcrunch): Offers updates and insights into the world of technology, startups, and Silicon Valley.

  • Duolingo (@duolingo): Shares language learning tips, cultural facts, and language challenges.

By exploring these platforms, students and lifelong learners can tap into communities, resources, and content that can enrich their educational journey. Remember, while these platforms offer great content, it's important to approach them with a critical eye, ensuring the information is accurate and comes from reliable sources.

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